Say Farewell to Solana RPC Historical Data Struggles

Solana has the most extensive ledger across all blockchains

You are often locked into using the slow and highly expensive Google Big Table

Efficiently managing full archives demands costly system administrators

Setting up full archives from scratch can span from several weeks to even months

Delegate All This Work to Us for a Fraction of the Cost

Unlock Superior Performance in Solana RPC

Harness historical data at unprecedented speeds with our optimized RPC validator. Crafted for peak efficiency, our solution boasts an impressive performance, delivering up to a 10x speed increase compared to traditional RPC services.

Confidently Scale Your RPC services from Start to Growth

Grow your RPC services with our scalable solutions. From sophisticated load balancers to comprehensive, fully archived systems housed in your data center, we provide the infrastructure you need to expand, free from the worry of hidden fees.

How We Offer Competitive Prices in Solana RPC Services


No vendor or infrastructure locks

We have fully replaced the native Solana way of storing archival data while being fully compatible with the original implementation. We got rid of Google BigTable dependencies and now can place Solana archives everywhere we want and have no egress limits. Our solutions is fully opensource!


Pure baremetal, no cloud

Bypassing the constraints of cloud providers with Solana, which produces over 10,000 writes per second to the ledger database. This high volume creates significant network and disk operations, where cloud services often charge for each. Our bare-metal solution removes these limitations, offering a faster and much more affordable maintenance.


Scale with us and our partners

We work with multiple data centers across the world. With our data center partners, we can offer the lowest latency and hosting discounts for your apps. Go to sub 20ms with your RPC queries including historical ones and achieve isolated environments.

And yes, it's opensource!

We believe open-source software promotes honesty and openness. A greater degree of trust and responsibility is achieved by allowing users to examine the code for security and trust issues. We welcome all new ideas and feature requests and will support you fully if you choose to run it independently ♥️